
Can MMA Be Good For Self Defense?

Mixed martial arts or MMA is a sport that needs a lot of training and hard work. The training allows you to fight in an amateur or professional field. Some people say it’s good for self defense, and some people claim otherwise. However, MMA training teaches you how to be confident about yourself, and will allow you to be fit both physically as well as mentally. There are a lot of benefits that you can get from MMA training. You might want to check out townsvilledragons MMA for a very competitive training course of action. There are many moves in MMA that can be used in self defense. However, the MMA training itself will not teach you about the actual street situation.

Let’s face it, MMA is designed for a stage or a ring, and the fights are being supervised. They have some rules and regulations in place, and this is not the case when it comes to the street fighting that involves self defense. Most of the MMA trained individuals were not trained to fight in a violent environment or with a lot of emotion involved. MMA has its rules and regulations while fighting which prohibits fighters from engaging in uncontrolled violent situations.

MMA teaches individuals who aspire to be fighters to be calm, even in a very emotional situation. They do not encourage violence towards other people outside the fighting ring. However, it is different when you encounter a situation where you need to defend yourself or someone else from a bad person. For example, if someone is robbing you and you very well know the weak points of the robber in the position that he is in, you can then use your skills to defend yourself. You may disarm the robber or injure him to the point where he can’t do anything to you, and then call the police. Not every situation is similar, so it might be a case dependent scenario.

MMA does not provide training that involves weapons such as guns, knives and other deadly weapons. Its training is primarily focused on fighting in a specific place or arena. In a street situation, it is possible that your opponent will possess such weapons. In this case, you can use your mental skills to strategize what to do. There are times when a trained MMA fighter gets overcome by his emotions which might result in a very violent situation.

MMA is mainly focused on fighting with just one challenger. Many street fights have multiple people ganging up on a single person. Whenever you’re out in the streets and someone gangs up on you, it might not be preferred to give them a fight. Just keep your cool and walk away. But, it may be different if they are provoking you so much that you can’t do anything but fight them with your fists and with the strategies that you have learned.

There are certain rules in sports that will never apply in self defense or in the streets. There are no referees, no judges, or whoever else to remind you of the right thing to do. Losing your cool in the streets may get you into trouble and may lead to serious injuries for the people you will fight. You are fully trained to accept kicks and punches and are physically ready, but once you are out in the street and doing that to other people, you might inflict serious injuries, or worse, death. If you are responsible enough and value your moral ethics as an artist, you will take a step back and think first before doing anything stupid in the streets.

You might encounter some badass jerk in the streets, but it is always your responsibility to use mind over matter. It is safer to be cool headed than letting your emotions rule and ruin you. MMA can certainly help with self defense, but it still needs proper precautions so as to not hurt the ones you’re fighting too seriously. You can definitely give them some lessons, but not to the point where your reputation will be compromised. There are times when you just need to set things aside and call the authorities so that they can take appropriate action.

Nicole Hennig
Nicole Hennig is a freelance writer, content writer, blogger, and also a photographer. She graduated from the University of Caloocan in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2015.

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