There is no single certain answer to this question. Protein is required for building muscle mass, almost everyone knows that. But, what if we take too much of it? What then? Will it be harmful to our health? Will it damage our kidneys?
When too much protein was harmful
Well, in most of the cases where too much protein was blamed for a certain medical condition, the reason behind the harm was not too much protein, but it was something entirely different. Let us take a look what the actual reasons in those cases were:
Too much protein but to less of everything else
This is the case with people who replaced their diet completely with HGH or protein supplements. Do HGH supplements work? Yes, protein and HGH are essential for muscles, but, to stay healthy, you also need carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. If, because of your protein intake, you cut down on any of these, you are bound to suffer. So, the best thing would be to maintain a diet in which you give importance to each and every nutrient. Don’t stop taking your protein supplement, but do eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day as they will ensure that you do not suffer from any deficiency.
Bad source of protein
If your primary sources of protein are fat-rich food items like red meat, fried chicken, and full-fat dairy products, you might be going in the wrong direction. In the long run, such protein sources might lead you closer to heart diseases.
Faulty supplements
The market is filled with fake, uncertified, and faulty supplements. Taking them daily will definitely affect your health. In the cases arising from such supplements, too much protein isn’t the damaging factor, it is the other unhealthy artificial chemicals of the supplements that prove to be harmful. Because of such diet supplements, people have become skeptical about even the good ones that are there in the market.
Damaged kidney
Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t too much protein that causes kidney damage, on the other hand, it is usually the damaged kidneys that can’t stand too much protein. Yes, one of the functions of the kidney is to dispose of excess protein from the body through urine. And in the case if of someone whose kidneys are not functioning properly, an excess of protein is poison.
How much protein you should take?
By taking too much protein, you are not exactly risking your health, but you are certainly wasting your money and effort. Your protein intake should be based on your protein requirement.
Protein requirements for pros
Serious athletes or bodybuilders who do intensive workouts every day, or who run dozens of miles daily, have extreme protein requirements. Such individuals should take 1 g of protein per pound of body mass per day.
Protein requirement for ordinary people
Compared to the pros, the protein requirements of ordinary individuals are much less. They need just one-third of it to stay healthy, that is. 33 g of protein per pound of body mass per day.
Protein requirement for a normal bodybuilder
For most of us ordinary bodybuilders or athletes, the protein requirements will vary between two extremes. If you are new to bodybuilding, even augmenting your protein intake slightly might show tremendous results. But, in case you have been in the field for quite some time, and you think that your body is as ripped as it can be, you’d have to keep the max 1 g of protein per pound per day to make your muscles withstand the daily intensive workouts.
Protein requirement for fat people
If you are too obese, gram per pound per day is not the thing for you. You can just start with a normal protein intake that is about 70-100 g of protein every day. Focus on your cardio, lose your weight, get in shape, and once you’ve done that, you can start thinking about building muscles and about switching to a high-protein diet.
Bodybuilding is more of an art than science. The diet that works for you, might not work for others, and vice-versa. For best protein results, try adding a variety of protein-rich food items to your diet. Feel free to include egg white, soy protein, fish, nuts, beans, and low-fat dairy products in your diet. Apart from providing the required protein, these will also give you much-needed nourishment. And, just in case, if you think you are an unfortunate person and even your diet and workout don’t give you the desired results, go and see a dietician, that might solve your problem.