If you’re anxious to get your hands on the Gucci handbag Cruise collection, the shopping frenzy has already begun. The leading Gucci handbags usually sell out close to the newest season and have recently been released after pre-ordering subsided. The season calls for exotic snakeskin hobos and unique bamboo-handled satchels in a variety of sizes and neutral colors. Ready to splurge for a designer handbag this season with luxurytastic. The luxurytastic replicas of these designer bags are really affordable and they look exactly like the original products. All you need is to find a bag that you like and it will be delivered to your doorsteps. Here’s a list of bags from Gucci’s Spring collection and you’ll be well ahead of the trends. Here are the top eight Gucci Handbag for Spring 2018:
- Gucci Pop Bamboo Medium Top Handle Bag
This medium hobo-style bag comes in a range of colors but it’s the stone python version that needs to be on your wishlist. Python prints took center stage on the fashion runways at New York Fashion Week Fall ’07, and this bag speaks to the trend. It’s a medium-sized bag with bamboo handles and a sleek and smooth finish. This one retails at $2,990 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Papillon Evening Bag
When you’re off for an evening of socializing, make a bold statement with Platino leather. This super-glossy evening bag is finished with a light silver-gold sheen and is accented with a simple bamboo stem closure. This bag retails for $595 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Signoria Large Tote
If you’re looking for the perfect carryall for Spring shopping and traveling, this large leather tote with guccissima leather trim is sure to please. It’s made with a simple zip-top closure and stands at 12″ high. The silver buckle details and simple design are sure to carry you through more than one season. This bag retails for $1,850 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Sabrina Large Hobo
This one is plucked right from the runway, a pink python hobo with a simple silver trim. It’s a fresh look for Spring that will easily become the focal point of any outfit; it’s large enough to serve as a tote and carryall for those busy days ahead, and ruched details finish this piece for a somewhat casual style. This one retails for $2,950 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Britt Large Tote
This very mod, European bag is a large box tote made with white dialux for a super=smooth and clean-cut look. It’s finished with two buckled handles and a large Gucci logo in silver and red on the front. The tote stands at 10 ½” high and 14″ wide, and retails for $1,290 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci D Gold Large Shoulder Bag
D-shaped ring on the front that’s engraved with the Gucci logo. It’s a simple and sophisticated bag for work or play and retails for $1,090 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Sabrina Medium Boston Bag
If you’re looking for an all-black leather bag, go for one with a few extra feminine details with this bag. This compact, rectangular bag is designed with extra zippers and ruched detailing that stands out as frills; it’s a unique look that still offers plenty of functionality with it’s a larger size and two open pockets inside. The bag retails for $1,690 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Gucci Joy Large Top Handle
Chic and sophisticated, the Joy bag from Gucci is available in Beige/Ebony or classic White. The beige/ebony version is made with gunmetal trim and a sleek finish; choose the white version for the Platino leather trim instead. This bag retails for $645 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
From the classic Gucci Signoria Tote to the elegant Papillon Evening Bag, you’ll find an assortment of attractive designer handbags to choose from this season. If you’re not quite ready to shell out a house payment for your signature piece, use these top designs and styles as inspiration for a more budget-friendly version instead.