In recent years, the global phenomenon known as Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm. Millions of gamers worldwide are now playing this popular Battle Royale game and many are striving to stand out from the crowd by acquiring rare fortnite skins for their characters. While there are some ways to obtain these rare […]
How Video Games Stole My Life: A Story of Addiction
Addiction is often associated with things like illegal drug use or alcohol, but you don’t often hear the term paired with simple hobbies like video games. Thirty years ago the game industry was still waiting to break into households and nobody had any idea who the happy, mushroom-hungry Mario and Luigi were. Today three major […]
Best Ways to Make Money in Runescape
Hello everyone and welcome to my definitive shortlist of the very best ways of making money in Jagex’s popular MMORPG, Runescape. All the methods listed will be both quick, effective and for both free players and members alike ( I will be releasing a members-only guide shortly). Cowhides Cowhides are always in demand as people […]
Why Wii Music Isn’t as Popular as Wii Sports and Wii Fit
Wii Music was slated to become the next big title in the multi-million Wii casual title series made by Nintendo. However, so far the game is performing poorly compared to Wii Sports and Wii Fit. So why was Wii Music unable to generate the same hype and excitement as the other games in the series? […]